The St. Patrick's Day Parade should be held on Saturday, March 9, 2024, starting at 1 pm.
The Parade steps off from Wasson Field, 71 West Main St., Milford.
The Milford St. Patrick's Day Parade is considered to be one of the largest parades in Connecticut . It takes place in downtown Milford, Connecticut. The parade will take place at Wasson Field, located at 71 West Main St
If it is a cold day, bring a warm hat, warm gloves, and warm shoes. For a sunny day, you’ll want to bring sunglasses, suntan lotion, and a hat. The parade goes on rain, shine or snow. And of course, it is traditional to be dressed in GREEN (or orange or white – colors of the Irish flag)!
Mass transit is a great way to get in and out to see the parade.
If you want more information, such as to participate in the parade or become a sponsor, see the Milford, CT St Patrick's Day parade's UNofficial website here...